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What I See by Dawne


My name is Dawne Dunton, I'll be honest, I can't really call myself an artist or a professional photographer.  I've never taken a class, I'm purely an amateur that wants to be more.


I take photos of just about everything that catches my eye, and I do mean everything.  Some of my photos may be odd to you, but I like the odd.  Mostly I take photos just for the pure beauty that I see around me.  I think I take longer to look at things then most people do, almost to the point of analyzing it and deconstructing it to see a meaning behind it.  I do have quite a few photos that I've taken in memory of family and friends that have passed away.  It's something I feel I need to do to help me with my grief process.  Photography helps me in so many ways, but it's something I absolutely love to do.  I would take photos every minute of the day if it were possible.  I find things that others may have just walked on by and never noticed.  I'm not a fan of creepy bugs, I would totally scream like a girl and run if one was on me.  (To be honest, I have quite a few times too.) But I seem to find even the smallest of the creepiest bug and can't help but want to photograph them.  I love taking photos of everything, I don't have a favorite of what I like to take photos of...BUT, my favorite way to take photos is in Macro.  Seeing the tiny details in a flower or even a creepy bug is just amazing.


I just hope when you look at my photos you can see the meaning, the beauty, or even the joy I get in...What I See.


I take photos of people too and I hope you'll give me the chance to show you what I can do with your family portrait.  I LOVE to try something new and make you photos unique.  Please check out my "Portraits" page to see prices.


Please enjoy my photos!




Dawne M. Dunton

**All my images are © Dawne M Dunton, all rights reserved.**

**Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without

written permission from Dawne M Dunton, the artist is strictly prohibited.**

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