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History in Island Green?

Another concern to our community is the recent discovery of four historical logging trams that come into the community of Island Green from the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge that had never been recorded. The South Carolina Institute of Archeology and Anthropology states that these logging trams will now go on record after a resident found them while searching Island Green on Google Earth. It would be wonderful to look into this more, but it won't happen with a developer set on the destruction of this beautiful land.

After noticing these lines going through the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge on Google Earth, the resident contacted the director of the refuge who told a story of a gentleman who once ran the train on the other side of Waccamaw River near Bucksport.  He said trees were cut down on this side of the river and then carried on carts by donkeys to the river, then floated up to Bucksport.  The trees were then made into crates to hold ammunition and weapons for World War I.  The train's engine still sits on the other side of the river.  

We then spoke to someone at The Conway Museum who actually has the photos of this train engine and was astounded to see at least four tram lines coming into Island Green on Google Earth.  He told us to contact the South Carolina Institute of Archeology and Anthropology.  SCIAA also couldn't believe this logging tram was forgotten and never recorded before.  They checked records and an archeological dig was never done in this area.  But did notice that the community North of Island Green had done three digs where artifacts were found.

An Archeologist contacted the resident who then explained this new find could be part of the historical Singleton Sawmill which once sat at the now Enterprise Landing just North of Island Green.

There is such a thing called a "Late Discovery Claus", but unfortunately Island Green is unable to do anything since this developer owns the land.  Island Green would love to know more about this possible History that was just found coming into our community, we'd hate to lose what could be very important.

Google Earth screenshots are below.  Click the photo to see a larger view.



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© 2020 by Residents of Island Green Community in Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

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